the storyteller

Oen. 22 tahun. Cuma orang gila, kok, cuekin aja! ;-)

Bukannya mau show off *toh dreamweaver saya ga jago-jago amat. cuma pengen berbagi aja, kok. Kali - kali tulisan saya bisa berguna, gitu. bikin nyengir kek, bikin mikir kek, ato sukur - sukur bisa menginspirasi yang ngebacanya.. hehe *ngarep*

Eh, sebenernya, ini blog kedua saya. tapi setelah sekian tahun saya maen disana, sekarang jadinya too crowded, dan saya memutuskan untuk pindah. teteeeupp, gratisan. amin. *lho*

Bernyali untuk ngintip blog lama saya? di klik aja!

Kenapa harus sunflower (bunga matahari) - simply, karena saya mengagumi mereka :-), mereka selalu hidup berkoloni - seperti kita, berteman - it's about friendship. Dan selalu mencari arah matahari - seperti kita yang seharusnya selalu mencari Tuhan kita - it's about hope and loyalty. yuk blajar dari bunga matahari!


visit me at my other blog!


PLEASE DO NOT COPY - PASTE seenak udel. let me know, ok? i would appriciated if you link me back.


the past story

  • wet dream?
  • belajar bahasa sunda!
  • edan!
  • guilty pleasure
  • pelajaran mengeja
  • off for a while
  • pray for me.
  • trauma?
  • demi cinta?
  • antara deja vu, jamais vu, rendezvous dan vanness wu
  • the story archives

  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • the links to other story

    Sejujurnya saya maleees banget, ngetikin lagi satu -satu. Tapi, atas nama persahabatan.. *halaaah*

    Maria Karina
    Laureen Margareth
    Vicky bandung
    Martin ndutzie
    Irene Puti

    Ahh, ngga tau lagi siapa yang masih aktif (pindah blog ga ngomong2, huh!) - plz inform me your new url, friends. mau ya?


    Jesus Christ


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    day dreaming..
    Saturday, October 07, 2006 3:09 PM. Storytelling by oen.


    udah lama ngga ngomong yang jiji-jiji alias leme-leme.... skarang saatnya!

    remember the last time i told you how proud i am, about my boyfriend?

    udah beberapa saat ini gua kehilangan rasa bangga itu.. you know? remember the last time i told you how i lay lay lay lay aku jarang dibelay itu? yessss it hurtssss :-( hiks hiks

    at the very time he said that he was gonna off to SG, take that internship thingy at some graphic house there for 3 months.. i was just grumbling, like, 3 months, uhh lama juga ya, but it's okay. 3 months nggak bakal berasa lah..

    but i guess i'm wrong.

    i've been tortured by this love-disease, since the day he flew. yes, i do missing him like hell!! feels like forever, you know?

    and all we can do is, do text messaging. well it costs gopek per sms, for me, but it's okay.. hope it can cure my.. ahem, loneliness. (iya nih, norak banget ya?)

    and, i'm pretty sure that he feels the same way. bo, beli pulsa di SG mahal ya? udah mahal, terima sms dari luar negeri bayar juga. jadi kesian :-( ahh.. but anyway, he keep sending me text messages anyway.. (dengan asumsi, gw pasti bales, kan?)

    lalluu.. chatting, mesej, webcam-an, internet phone-an.. boooowwriiiingg!

    and, for reminder, si pacar ini kerja, sibuk buk buk buk. if you know how's it like to be in a graphic house. damn!

    for a friend, la, being in a long distance relationship... sucks! SUCKS BIG TIME!

    and mostly, thinking about this, def def definitely ruins my mood. uhhh! i hate him! i hate him, I HATE HIM!!!

    and those kinda feelings, like, just, vanished. i don't feel like i'm missing him. i don't feel like i wanna think about him. i don't feel like i'm waiting for his short messages... i don't feel like, love.. *sigh*

    in fact, i think i just get used to it. to this without-him life. without missing him. without waiting his short messages... until today.

    i went to some graphic house and get interviewed this morning. and to make it real short, i met some of my campus friends, had some chit-chatting a little, until that topic came up.

    yup. my boyfriend thingy.

    so i told them that bla bla bla, with that jaded tone, if you know what i mean, and bla bla bla bla bla bla..., just like it's not a great thing, well it's GREAT actually but i just not too excited to talk about that, but still, i tried to look that way..*sigh*

    until.. until they gave that "look" on their faces like, "ANJRIT!" or "DAAAYMMN!". Seriously. and they keep telling that my boyfriend is GRRRRREEEAAATTTT, damn great! they also tell me that creative people at SG have those high standart and bla bla bla bla bla

    and it's like, you know, had a slap on my face. HOW CAN I BE SO SELFISH, just thinkin about my feelings, my thoughts, my.. my.. mine.. mine.. ME!?

    Like a movie, it starts to roll on my head.. the reason he gave a shot, the reason i support him, the dreams we're building on skies..... uhh, trust me, it's beautiful. it's even a whole lot better than UJAN DUREN MONTHONG!!!

    then i drove back home with a broken feelings. pacar macem apakah aku ini? :-( hik hik.. maaf yah, sayang.

    but still, long distance relationshit, ups, relationship SUCKS BIG TIME! ;-)

    after felt like such a guilty fat ass, i start to feel 'these', again. that love-disease i've mentioned before. missing him. like hell. :-)

    in fact, i know deep inside i'm so damn proud of him. Too proud, maybe. I'm feeling like i wanna tell all the person i knew in this universe that, "cowok gue, KP di singapur, bo.. lo tau singapur dong, kayak apa? coba bayangin graphic house disono.. ckck gokil kan?"

    hahaa.. memang saya norak.... tapi pacar saya memang keren, ya kaaan? ;-)

    ps. love you, you know i do.

    ~ Have a great day. GOD bless you! |