the storyteller
22 tahun. Cuma orang gila, kok, cuekin aja! ;-)
Bukannya mau show off *toh dreamweaver
saya ga jago-jago amat. cuma pengen berbagi aja, kok. Kali - kali tulisan
saya bisa berguna, gitu. bikin nyengir kek, bikin mikir kek, ato
sukur - sukur bisa menginspirasi yang ngebacanya.. hehe *ngarep*
Eh, sebenernya, ini blog kedua
saya. tapi setelah sekian tahun saya maen disana, sekarang jadinya too
crowded, dan saya memutuskan untuk pindah. teteeeupp, gratisan.
amin. *lho*
Bernyali untuk ngintip
blog lama saya? di klik
Kenapa harus sunflower
(bunga matahari) - simply, karena saya mengagumi mereka :-),
mereka selalu hidup berkoloni - seperti kita, berteman - it's about friendship.
Dan selalu mencari arah matahari - seperti kita yang seharusnya selalu
mencari Tuhan kita - it's about hope and loyalty. yuk
blajar dari bunga matahari!
visit me at my other blog!
let me know, ok? i would appriciated if you link me back.
the past story
mulutnya mingkem!
tak ada logikaaaaa
a surprise for a friend
tired to be good.
yang penting kualitas!
the story archives
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
the links to other story
Sejujurnya saya maleees banget, ngetikin lagi satu
-satu. Tapi, atas nama persahabatan.. *halaaah*
Maria Karina
Laureen Margareth
Vicky bandung
Martin ndutzie
Irene Puti
Ahh, ngga tau lagi siapa yang masih aktif (pindah blog
ga ngomong2, huh!) - plz inform me your new url, friends. mau ya?
Jesus Christ
Adobe Photoshop
Macromedia Dreamweaver |
ini bintangku.. ini bintangmu..
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:02 PM.
Storytelling by oen.
Saya emang nggak percaya zodiak *ramalan bintang*, nggak baca, nggak pengen baca dan emang bener nggak percaya! nggak penting, tauuu!
waktu smester berapaaaa, gt, saya dapet tugas seminar kelompok dan topik yang kita angkat tuh tentang astrologi, ilmu perbintangan, dan bukan ramalan bintang yg suka ada dimajalah itu lho!
dan baca punya baca, tau punya tau, bener juga lho, orang2 yang lahir pada naungan bulan tertentu tuh biasanya memang ada stereotype sendiri...
saya nemu ini di bulbo fs. bener ga yaaaa? ;-)
mulai dari bintang, ehm, bulan saya lahir, aquarius!
AQUARIUS >Trustworthy. >Sexy. >Great kisser. >One of a kind. >Loves being in long-term relationships. >Extremely energetic. >unpredictable. >from the future. >will exceed your expectations. >Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out >Amazing in bed, THE BEST LOVERS BETTER THAN EVERYONE!
eh, bener lho! hahahaaha
how about yours? go check it yourself!
SCORPIO >Can be mean. >EXTREMELY sexy. >Intelligent. >Energetic. >Predict future. >Most erotic. >(Freak in bed.) >(GREAT kisser.) >Always get what they want. >Sexy. >Attractive. >Easy going. >Loves being in long relationships. >Talkative. >The sexiest ever.... >Romantic. >Caring.
LIBRA >Very pretty. >Very romantic. >Nice to everyone They meet. >Their Love is one of a kind. >Silly, fun and sweet. >Have own unique sexiness. >Most caring person you will ever meet! >Amazing n Bed..!!! >Did I say Amazing in Bed? >not the kind of person you wanna ........ with... u might end up crying... >the most irresistible
ARIES >Outgoing. >lovable >Spontanious. >Not one to ........ with..... u might end up in a wheelchair >Erotic. >Funny. >Take you on trips to the moon in bed. > excellent kisser >EXTREMELY sexy. >Loves being in long relationships.=) >Addictive. >Loud. >best in bed
GEMINI >Nice. >Love is one of a kind. >Great kisser >VERY GOOD IN BED!!! >Lover not a fighter, but will still punch your lights out. >Trustworthy. >Always happy. >Loud. >Talkative. >Outgoin >Very forgiving >Loves to make out >Has a beautiful smile >Generous >Strong
LEO >Great talker. >Sexy and passionate. >Laid back. >Knows how to have fun. >Is really good at >Great kisser. >Unpredictable. >Outgoing. >Down to earth. >Addictive. >Attractive. >Loud. >Loves being in long relationships. >Talkative. >Not one to mess with. >Rare to find. >Good when found.
CANCER >Most amazing kisser.. >Very high sex appeal. >Great in bed ... >Love is one of a kind. >Very romantic. >Most caring person you will ever meet! >Entirely creative >Random and proud of it >Great tellin stories >Great fighter and will Knock your lights out
PISCES >Caring and kind >Smart. >Center of attention. >Too Sexy, DAMN IT. >Very high sex appeal. >Has the last word. >The best to find, hardest to keep. >Fun to be around. >Freak in the sheets >Extremely weird but in a good way. >Super good in bed. >Good Sense of Humor!!! >Thoughtful >A partner for life
CAPRICORN >Nice >Sassy. >Intelligent. >Sexy. >Predict future. >Irrestible, awes0me kisser. >Loves being in long relationships >Great talker. >Always gets what he or she wants. >BY FAR the BEST in BED. >Very sexy >Coolest >Loves to own Gemini's in sports >very funny >loves to joke >Loves to be your ull never forget
TAURUS >Aggressive. >Freak in bed. >Rare to find! >Loves being in long relationships.=) >Likes to give a good fight for what they want. >Extremely outgoing. >Sexy as ........ >Very popular >Outstanding kisser. >Very funny >Awesome personality >Sexual as ......... >Most caring person you will ever meet! >One of a kind. >Not one to ........ with. >Are the most sexiest people on earth!
VIRGO >>Dominant in relationships. >Sexy. >someone loves them right now. >Freak in bed. >Always wants the last word. >Caring. >Smart. >Addictive. >Attractive. >Loud. >Loyal. >Easy to talk to. >Hard to forget
SAGITTARIUS >Spontaneous. >Freak in Bed. >High sex appeal. >Rare to find. >Great when found. >Loves being in long relationships. >The one >So much love to give >Not one to mess wit >Very pretty. >Very romantic. >Nice to everyone They meet. >Their Love is on
~ Have a great day. GOD bless you! |