the storyteller

Oen. 22 tahun. Cuma orang gila, kok, cuekin aja! ;-)

Bukannya mau show off *toh dreamweaver saya ga jago-jago amat. cuma pengen berbagi aja, kok. Kali - kali tulisan saya bisa berguna, gitu. bikin nyengir kek, bikin mikir kek, ato sukur - sukur bisa menginspirasi yang ngebacanya.. hehe *ngarep*

Eh, sebenernya, ini blog kedua saya. tapi setelah sekian tahun saya maen disana, sekarang jadinya too crowded, dan saya memutuskan untuk pindah. teteeeupp, gratisan. amin. *lho*

Bernyali untuk ngintip blog lama saya? di klik aja!

Kenapa harus sunflower (bunga matahari) - simply, karena saya mengagumi mereka :-), mereka selalu hidup berkoloni - seperti kita, berteman - it's about friendship. Dan selalu mencari arah matahari - seperti kita yang seharusnya selalu mencari Tuhan kita - it's about hope and loyalty. yuk blajar dari bunga matahari!


visit me at my other blog!


PLEASE DO NOT COPY - PASTE seenak udel. let me know, ok? i would appriciated if you link me back.


the past story

  • sweet like chocolate...
  • pegawai macem apa anda?
  • mimpi
  • balada banjir edan!
  • sadness
  • bentji
  • diduakan..
  • brand new energy
  • feeling..
  • rusak ah!
  • the story archives

  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • the links to other story

    Sejujurnya saya maleees banget, ngetikin lagi satu -satu. Tapi, atas nama persahabatan.. *halaaah*

    Maria Karina
    Laureen Margareth
    Vicky bandung
    Martin ndutzie
    Irene Puti

    Ahh, ngga tau lagi siapa yang masih aktif (pindah blog ga ngomong2, huh!) - plz inform me your new url, friends. mau ya?


    Jesus Christ


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    sebuah doa
    Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:35 PM. Storytelling by oen.


    grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change

    the courage to change the things i cannot accept

    and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill today

    because they pissed me off.

    and also, help me to be careful of the toes i step on today

    as they may be connected to the ass that i may have to kiss tomorrow.

    help me to always give 100% at work, 12% on monday, 23% on tuesday, 40% on wednesday, 20% on thrusday, and 5% on friday

    and help me to remember...

    when i'm having really a bad day,

    and it seems that people are trying to piss me off,

    that i takes 42 muscles to frown

    and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me...


    Ps. Thanks to zno yang udah berbaik hati memberikan pencerahan yang begiiiiiiiiituuu indahnya di hari yang not-so-good ini.

    pesen dari zno : SOUND IT TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hahahahaa.. thanks to make today not-so-bad for me. Arigatou gozaimashita! (dan untuk ngingetin kalo bos gue emang ngga lebih pinter dari gue, juga untuk pepatah YOUR BOSS MY ENEMY itu. hahahahaa

    ~ Have a great day. GOD bless you! |