the storyteller

Oen. 22 tahun. Cuma orang gila, kok, cuekin aja! ;-)

Bukannya mau show off *toh dreamweaver saya ga jago-jago amat. cuma pengen berbagi aja, kok. Kali - kali tulisan saya bisa berguna, gitu. bikin nyengir kek, bikin mikir kek, ato sukur - sukur bisa menginspirasi yang ngebacanya.. hehe *ngarep*

Eh, sebenernya, ini blog kedua saya. tapi setelah sekian tahun saya maen disana, sekarang jadinya too crowded, dan saya memutuskan untuk pindah. teteeeupp, gratisan. amin. *lho*

Bernyali untuk ngintip blog lama saya? di klik aja!

Kenapa harus sunflower (bunga matahari) - simply, karena saya mengagumi mereka :-), mereka selalu hidup berkoloni - seperti kita, berteman - it's about friendship. Dan selalu mencari arah matahari - seperti kita yang seharusnya selalu mencari Tuhan kita - it's about hope and loyalty. yuk blajar dari bunga matahari!


visit me at my other blog!


PLEASE DO NOT COPY - PASTE seenak udel. let me know, ok? i would appriciated if you link me back.


the past story

  • 3 "wanita" dalam hidupku..
  • jenuh
  • orang kaya?
  • oh weekenddd
  • balada teh hijau
  • bulan - bulanan
  • menikmati hidup..
  • sebuah doa
  • sweet like chocolate...
  • pegawai macem apa anda?
  • the story archives

  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • the links to other story

    Sejujurnya saya maleees banget, ngetikin lagi satu -satu. Tapi, atas nama persahabatan.. *halaaah*

    Maria Karina
    Laureen Margareth
    Vicky bandung
    Martin ndutzie
    Irene Puti

    Ahh, ngga tau lagi siapa yang masih aktif (pindah blog ga ngomong2, huh!) - plz inform me your new url, friends. mau ya?


    Jesus Christ


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    the happiest thing in the world...
    Friday, April 27, 2007 6:56 PM. Storytelling by oen.

    beat the worst enemy,
    and winning all the way.

    live in the game,
    and rules it all.

    do a challenge,
    and be the champion.

    do more,
    and get more than just 'more'.

    loving someone,
    and having yourself being loved, too.

    wants something,
    gets something.

    losing some game,
    learn it better than everybody else,
    so that you can tell yourself,
    'i can beat you next time'

    losing someone,
    and get somebody else.

    treated so bad,
    but you don't do any revenge just to make yourself satisfied.

    failed in a task,
    and having SOMEBODY teach you "how".

    have a horrible boss,
    but you know there's plenty of people craving for well paid job.

    being doubted,
    and show them you can just kick some ass,
    including theirs.

    been working soooo... uh! i just can't find any words to describe it!
    and it's FRIDAY.
    near payday.


    Oh, ada lagi, deng.

    it's after work hours,
    in my cozy room,
    waiting some file sent to me,
    and submit the revision before tomorrow,

    anyway, GOD, still, Thank YOU.....

    ~ Have a great day. GOD bless you! |